Our main studio is located in the Great Hall, known as ‘The Keys’, at Southborough Primary School in Southborough, Kent.

Southborough School of Dance
The Keys
Southborough CoE Primary School
Broomhill Park Road
Kent TN4 0JY
There are a few parking spaces in the school grounds, as well as ample parking outside the school gates on Broomhill Park Road.
Walk through the security gates and follow the signs to The Keys, which is the large building towards the back of the school site. Outside lighting comes on automatically during dark winter nights.
For the safety of your children, please note the following:

- All younger children must be collected by their parents directly from the hall
- We only allow children who are aged 11 years or older to leave after class by themselves. Parents must email or write to their teacher and give their consent for their child to leave the building by themselves, either to be picked up in the car park or to walk home alone. If we don’t get your consent in writing we can’t let them go
- If you are picking your child up from the car park or outside the school gates, please be on time. Pupils waiting for their parents should stay safely in the grounds of the school. We can’t be held responsible for children’s safety once they leave our care
- Please do not obstruct the entrance to the school gates with your car. Do not use this area to wait in your car for your child, as this is strictly not allowed. Please leave the exit clear at all times
- Please do not bring dogs onto the school grounds at any time, even on a Saturday or in the evenings. This is strictly not allowed by Southborough Primary School. Dogs on a lead must stay outside the school gates whilst you pick up your child.
For more detailed information, you can find the school’s safeguarding policy in the footer of the website.
We also run adult ballet classes in Langton Green and Pembury

Pembury Village Hall
49 High Street
Kent TN2 4PH

Langton Green Village Hall
Winstone Scott Avenue
Langton Green
Kent TN3 0JJ